When it comes to diet and health, we’re drowning in a sea of information, much of it conflicting and highly confusing. One of the reasons for the confusion is that all this info needs to be customized to the individual. Your approach to wellness needs to be tailored for you—your lifestyle, your geographical location, your nutritional deficiencies.
With over 25 years of experience with hundreds of clients, I’ll help you navigate through the universe of information and determine what tools are applicable to you. And maybe even more important, I’ll tell you why, because if you’re like me—I don’t do anything unless someone tells me “why”. Knowledge is power. It’s also highly motivating.
The other major shortcoming of most wellness plans is that they’re not comprehensive enough, which is why we can’t possibly cover everything you need to know in one session. Whether for group seminars or individual sessions, you’ll absorb and apply the information best over a series of meetings, each with its own educational component.
One more area in which nutrition plans fail is a lack of appropriate metrics. Your healthcare practitioner or trainer may have taken some kind of measurements but maybe they weren’t the best tools for the job, and quite often, they don’t do anything productive with the information! Did you know that bio-impedance is terribly unreliable? Did you know that most offices don’t calibrate their DEXA machines? Did you know that most labs aren’t even consistent with themselves?! It may be that one of the reasons you didn’t get the results you wanted was because your data was unreliable or not applied properly.
Weekly metrics are important because they tell us whether or not things are working. I try to foresee everything that will come across your path but I can’t always. With weekly follow up’s, with the week fresh in your mind, we can spot problem areas early in the process so you’ll see results most efficiently.
Follow-up’s are 30 minutes long and will include weekly measurements, address concerns and questions during that week. A new short topic will also be covered, each building on the previous weeks so that at the end, you’ll have all the information needed so that you can eventually integrate all of the components synergistically. This is the way to work a complete program and sustain your results for the rest of your life.
For longterm goals and clients who want continued accountability and feedback, additional follow-up’s are also an option.
Individual Plans
Initial packages include the two-hour Initial Assessment, followed by either 6, 9, or 12 follow-up’s:
1) Two-hour Initial Assessment:
Overview of next 6-9 weeks
Nutrition and Exercise 101
Lymphatic system basics
Customized Food Plan
We’ll incorporate your exercise plan and go through an entire day’s plan
You’ll receive an online account where your plan’s food choices will be modifiable (so you don’t have to eat the same damn thing everyday!). The program will spit out the portion sizes customized for you.
Baseline body composition measurements
2) Supplements 101
What is “pharmaceutical grade” and why all supplements are not created equally
The importance of a Certificate of Analysis
Individual recommendations based on laboratory results
3) Beyond Food: Total Body Burden
Non-food sources of body burden and how they affect overall health and body composition
How to evaluate personal care products
4) Effects of Stress
How stress hormone affects hormones and body composition
How stress affects the gastrointestinal system
5) Circadian Biology
Why light is so important to all your body’s processes
How technology is outpacing our ability to physiologically evolve
Resetting your biological clocks
Minimizing blue light exposure
The importance of skin exposure to light
6). Quantum Leap
Laboratory testing
Nutritional deficiencies lab testing is available separately from session packages. 28 pages of results that give an overview of the body’s major systems—cardiovascular, metabolic, gastrointestinal, endocrine, neurological, and detoxification.
Imbalances caught here can give advanced notice of problems before they become symptomatic or show up as bigger problems in more traditional lab work. A single corrected nutritional deficiency can impact several body systems at once.
Lab work is not a required part of my programs, but for those who would like baseline results, doing lab work at the beginning of a program may be a good idea. But labs can also be used later on to take you to the next level.
All of the educational material for individual programs can be presented to large and small groups including teams, businesses, retreats, fitness clubs, martial arts and dance studios, etc.
Please contact us for more info.